Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Mastery" in the Martial Arts

What does it mean to "master" a martial art? In the Japanese martial arts, we are very reluctant to use the term "master." The term would imply that someone has completely understood the art and can perform its every technique perfectly. The reality is that even the very best practitioners are still working on perfecting their art. Perfection is an elusive goal, but one that keeps us training and trying to improve ourselves for a lifetime. What we can do, however, is move ourselves closer to perfection one small step at a time. Those who have been working at this for a very long time can seem almost magical in their abilities, but their "magic" can be explained by understanding that they have a tremendous ability to get the tiniest aspects of their techniques exactly right. Traditional Japanese martial arts are designed to influence the whole person, including the body, the mind, and the spirit. True mastery encompasses both dramatic and subtle changes in the practitioner in each of these areas.

Mastery Over the Body. Mastering the physical skills of a martial art means being able to perform its techniques with a high degree of proficiency. Historically, it meant being able to perform well enough to defeat an opponent in a life or death match. These days, it means understanding and being able to execute virtually all the checkpoints of a skill in an accurate manner, in the space of time and with the rhythm required to defeat an opponent. In individual arts, such as iaido, the opponent is imaginary. In competitive arts, such as karate or judo, the opponent may be real. However, we no longer fight to the death, so we substitute proficiency for deadliness.

One often forgotten concept in physical mastery is that one must not only be able to control one's own body, but must also learn how to respond to and control the body of his or her attacker. Even the most superb physical technique is useless if it is applied at the wrong distance, the wrong time, or with the attention focused in the wrong place. At a higher level, the martial artist must learn to control not only his body and that of his opponent, but must also take into account the terrain on which the interaction takes place (a concept that includes location, time, conditions, and preparation).

It is important to repeat that perfection is an elusive goal. Everyone comes to the dojo with a different set of innate abilities, so for some students physical mastery is relatively easy, while for most it is very difficult. Those past experts whom we recognize as "masters" were able to execute their skills in real time, accurately, maximizing the use of their own strength and quickness while finding the points of greatest weakness in their opponents. The awareness required to do this is profound, and usually requires years of concentrated effort to attain. Further, as you can see, mastery of the physical aspects of the art is closely tied to mastery of the mental aspects.

Mastery of the Mental Aspects. Mastery of the mental aspects of martial arts involves knowing how and why the techniques work, and constantly working to bring your physical skills into line with that knowledge. It also means reaching an understanding of how the mind works, and thinking in positive, productive ways. For example, it is widely accepted that positive attitude helps bring about positive results. In the martial arts, we learn thinking strategies that help us achieve our martial goals. We then learn, by extension, how to apply those strategies to life outside the dojo, which helps us to become more effective, stable human beings.

In real time, mental martial arts involves awareness. One must be aware of how one is responding to an opponent, aware of the opponent's own actions and reactions, and aware of the terrain. These challenging requirements are an important reason why real mastery requires so many years of training. It is virtually impossible to concentrate on all the varied aspects of any martial arts interaction, so vast repetition is required. If one is training with the proper frame of mind, each repetition helps to make one subtle aspect of a technique more efficient, and helps to make it more reflexive. Just as operating the pedals and steering wheel of an automobile becomes reflexive and unconscious after a few years of driving, the essential building blocks of technique (including awareness) become reflexive through repeated practice.

Mastery of the Spiritual Aspects. Putting aside any discussion of religious aspects, the character traits that we often include in "spiritual" martial arts include determination, patience, calmness, and balance. Determination comes from a realization of what one's life mission is, and gradually bringing all aspects of training into line with the mission. Patience is the realization that great things require great effort (not necessarily all at once, but in small increments over a long period of time), and learning to work at a pace that allows one to exert that effort in the appropriate amounts and at the appropriate time. Calmness comes from learning what one can control and what one cannot, focusing work on those things that can be controlled and learning to accept those things that cannot. Balance means coming to a point in one's life where one does not get too upset when things go wrong nor too elated when things go right.

JMAC would like to thank the many Ann Arbor businesses that support this blog,
both martial arts-related and others, including: Network Services Group,
Art of Japanese Swordsmanship, Shudokan Martial Arts Association,
Budo Mind and Body, Art of Judo, Iaido Dot Com, Lorandos and Associates,
Oxford Companies, Bluestone Realty Advisors, Portfolio Ann Arbor,
Invest Ann Arbor, and the Law Office of Nicklaus Suino.


Anonymous said...

A long time ago I attended a seminar in which the concept of "Personal Mastery" was explored. So the topic of mastery in the martial arts is very appealing for me. To begin my thinking process I looked up the word "master" in my American Heritage dictionary. There are 32 definitions including the use as a noun, and adjective, and as a verb. Okay, so maybe this is a slightly more complex topic than some.

I agree with the idea that in this case master does not mean to perfect, rather to continue to work on improving and perfecting over a life time. Sensei separates the aspects of mastery over mind, body, and spirit. And if we (people) are the sum of mind, body, and spirit, then I can draw the direct tie to the concept of personal mastery as the sum of all three elements.

From my view (directly from Dr. Senge), "to develop a sense of personal mastery one must approach it as a discipline, as a series of practices and principles that must be applied to be useful." Therefore personal mastery, and mastery in the martial arts, is a process - a journey and not a destination.

Another significant distinction in this type of mastery is the involvement of the subconscious mind. People with a high degree of mastery have developed a strong link between the subconscious mind and normal awareness. In fact they develop this link through practice and discipline.

It is this process of practice and discipline, applied throughout a lifetime, that for me defines mastery.

sean said...

I personally equate mastery with perfection. But as I do this, it means that I seldom refer to anyone as being a master at anything. Why is this? Well, as Sensei said, ‘…perfection is an elusive goal.” As the French painter Eugene Delacroix said, “The artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.” I think this quote applies to life in general, rather then to simply art or martial arts.

Personally, prefer to say that someone has a ‘gift’ or a ‘knack’ for something rather then to say they are a master. I know several people who have a knack for art and produce wonderful drawings. However, I wouldn’t exactly want any of them working on my car.

I feel that part of attempting to obtain perfection is learning where your talents lie. For me, this is something that I have found to be very hard to do. When people ask me, what are you good at? I tend to answer with, I don’t know. It is not because I don’t realize that I have talent in certain areas (editing others writings being one), it is that I don’t feel that I am good at any one thing over another. And believe me I make mistakes all the time.

But dose our knowledge grow from every mistake we make? Absolutely. And does our new found knowledge take us one more step towards perfection? Well that is the $64,000 question and the debate. I would say that sometimes yes and some times no. But there is a saying that I have heard somewhere, “You must sometimes take two steps back in order to take one step forward.”

In any even I agree that perfection is an elusive goal, but I must add on to that by saying that it is a goal that no one ever achieves for nature herself isn’t perfect, however, we can sure try. It is in the attempt to obtain perfection that we learn discipline, awareness, and simply how to live.

Unknown said...

Mastering is not mastering and 'not mastering' is mastering. Zen principles and training prepare us to understand this apparent dichotomy. Zen would suggest that the more you strive the farther, perhaps out of reach, the goal of ‘mastering’ becomes. I liked Mark’s comment above citing that mastering is a journey and not a goal. This is totally consistent with Zen principles of living and experiencing the here and now, focusing on every aspect of the rapidly changing environment, adapting and responding. I like to think of the ‘way’ or specific school of our martial art as a set of guiding principles and best practices, but, as in everyday life, we must be flexible to understand how to best apply these learnings. Sensei describes a mastering of the physical aspects of the art, understanding the physical environment including the opponent attributes, the terrain, and the ‘maai’ or distancing to the opponent. I believe one can master the mechanics and understand all the checkpoints, leverage points, angles of relative positioning. Practicing Kendo and Jujutsu allow us to directly experience the results of poor mechanics. But as we progress we begin to acknowledge that the physical is only half the [internal] battle; the other 90% is mental (thank you Yogi Bera).

Practicing the mental aspects, borrowing heavily from Zen principles helps us achieve the awareness Sensei discusses. A dichotomy of ‘not focusing’ in order to focus, experiencing/developing a Beginners or Empty Mind attitude, allows us to sense and respond to the immediate challenge. This is the greatest challenge for us as students on the journey. Achieving a balanced duality of mind and body within the environment is the destination of our journey.

Anonymous said...

It is extremely interesting how martial arts interacts with the rest of my life. I have learned that just like in martial arts, "mastery" of life, or any aspect of it, is something that is elisive at best.

Most strive to be the best person they can be, even if they do not study martial arts. I have found that practicing the martial arts and striving for improvement in that aspect of my life helps me to improve my general well being and character, and the reverse is true as well.

The physical elements of martial arts training can also interact with the rest of the student's life. I personally would very much like to improve my upper body strength, as I feel it would improve my judo. So outside of class I have begun working towards that goal. It will, in the end, affect my martial arts, but it will in turn affect other aspects of my life as well.

It is in these ways that mastery of the martial arts and mastery of one's life and character go hand in hand, and by living a good life and dilligently studying your art, you improve, both as a person, and a martial artist.

Anonymous said...

Mastery is such a difficult word to define. Is it the ability to perform an action or service to perfection? Or is it the ability to perform an action or service to such a high proficiency that is appears perfect to the untrained eye? Or is it all relative to the situation and action or service being performed? Perfection is forever being sought but rarely achieved.
So, does that make Tigers Woods a master? He is the best at his sport but he does not win every tournament. He plays his game at a nearly perfect level yet he is constantly striving to improve his game and play better. If one is striving to be better than it is difficult to say they have mastered their art. Shouldn't mastery consist of reaching the pinnacle and being unable to improve further? Therefore has anyone ever really mastered anything? In my opinion, no. I feel it is impossible to ever reach perfection. It only possible to reach a level of personal satisfaction and consistent superiority in skill to your peers and competitors.

mixed martial arts equipment said...

The term "Master" in martial art is very precious .
If anyone want to became Master he has to do a lot of practice.
Because practice makes the man perfect.