Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Advantages of Martial Arts Training for Women

Practicing martial arts shapes, strengthens and tones more than just the body: it transforms the mind and spirit as well. So Many who attend our self-defense classes for women begin a quest for physical strength and stamina but evolve into a dramatic reshaping of the self from inside out. Imagine being in the best physical shape of your life while feeling peaceful, determined, and centered. Imagine watching your body transform into a balanced, toned machine while knowing you’ve embarked on a lifetime journey of self-improvement. These are the joys of practicing martial arts.

Want to find out more? Visit our website!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Martial Arts Practice For Ann Arbor Women

It can be intimidating to try a new fitness technique, especially something as intense as martial arts. Most of us are hesitant to step out of our comfort zone, but we also recognize that the rewards may be worth the initial discomfort. Everyone, whether six or sixty, is a beginner when they start. Beginning a martial arts class can lead to a lifetime of self-improvement.

Many women who take on the challenges of martial arts get started to add variety to their exercise routine. Another common reason is to build self-defense skills. Martial arts practice is sure to aid both those goals. But it’s also much more. Martial arts instills discipline, confidence, and control. Women who practice martial arts report increased mindfulness, focus, and emotional mastery.

Interested in getting stronger, more confident, and better balanced? Keep reading on our website!