Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

The Frog. Sato Shizuya (Chief Director of Kokusai Budoin, IMAF) sometimes tells the story of the frog at the bottom of the well. The frog, it seems, thinks that the sky he sees is the entire universe. He has no idea that anything exists outside what he can see. The point of the story, of course, is that we must always guard against thinking we know everything. In martial arts, we must always recognize that there is more we can learn about a technique, more room to perfect our skills. While most martial artists recognize this in theory, it can sometimes be difficult to approach a skills we already "know" with the kind of open-mindedness and keen interest that is required.

I learned it, so I know it. Kids often demonstrate this approach to training. Show them a judo throw, a karate kata, or a waza from aikido - they practice it once - and then say, "what's next?" These are often the same kids who come back from a judo tournament and ask, "Sensei, why can't I throw anybody?" It's funny when it applies to kids - they are unable to perceive the relationship between dedicated hard work and success on the mat - but adult thinking can have some similar drawbacks.

I've got the checkpoints. Adults often seem to believe that an intellectual understanding of a technique is equivalent to the ability to perform it well. A student may have mastered the stated checkpoints of a wrist lock and takedown in jujutsu, be able to describe the entire technique, and even be able to correct others who make technical mistakes. Being able to perform a technique well, however, is a different matter. A good martial arts technique involves balance, timing, distancing, angles or circles, and many other factors. To be able to perform a technique well, demonstrating control over one's own body as well as that of the opponent, usually requires years of practice.

What's next? Another common hurdle faced by adult students, especially those who are accustomed to using their brains at work or at school, is that they start thinking of what comes next even before fully grasping the technique at hand. Show them a kote (wrist) strike in kendo, and before they've practiced it ten times, they are already asking about how to apply the principle to a strike to the do (chest protector). Needless to say, this approach does not lead to expertise in the kote strike.

Is that okay? Students who try a technique a few times will turn to the Sensei and ask, "Is that okay?" Our answer is usually, "Yes, and no." Yes, we're delighted that you are practicing the technique we've taught, and that you've remembered the basics. No, it's not good enough, unless you want to be mediocre. How much more refreshing (from a teacher's point of view), to have a student ask, "Sensei, can we practice this more?" The goal is excellence, and that's what we hope you'll strive for.

Getting really good at martial arts requires long term dedication, focused concentration, and a deep commitment to improvement. Koga Toshihiko, who arguably had the best seoi-nage (shoulder throw) the judo world has ever seen, was rumored to be trying to improve his skill long after he retired from competition. If you make the decision to be the best you can possibly be at a martial arts technique, and keep at it for as many years as your body can tolerate the movements, you will find that a whole world of benefits opens to you. A total lifetime commitment to excellence in martial arts training can help you become a more stable, healthier, happier person, and you can have a lot of fun along the way!


Massage Ann Arbor said...

In regards to Sato Sensei's frog story, I had a similar experience as the frog in my karate training. We would practice a technique and I'd get the checkpoints, but my understanding of it was so limited. I could do the motions, but didn't understand how to apply it effectively in the real world. When I started training with Suino Sensei in jujutsu, my understanding expanded greatly--not just the art of jujutsu or even just karate, but my understanding of striking martial arts in general. I'm finally beginning to learn how to think on my feet in real-world and (almost) real-time applications. I'm beginning to be able to grasp the broader picture of things and that's what's so rewarding to me these days, aside from learning the actual technique itself. Granted, I have a LOOOOONG way to go, but it's a good start! :)

bobby k said...

Just like the frog, we can't get out of that well on our own. It takes hopping on the shoulders of someone bigger

Unknown said...

So what is a poor frog to do? This reminds me of Plato’s Parable of the Cave. The dwellers of the cave know nothing of the universe other than the shadows cast on the cave walls from the outside. This is reality for them. Plato describes the ordinary man as an intellectually and spiritually limited entity not fit to understand what is good for him. Alternatively the cave dwellers can explore an intellectual and spiritual development by challenging their existence and beliefs and gaining new understandings as they emerge from the cave. Experiencing and embracing new challenges with an open-minded spirit and constantly challenging the ‘truth’ of our existence is the way out of the cave, or the frog’s climb out of the well. This journey has been discussed elsewhere in the blog, and describes developing a duality of mind and body as we experience our existence and emerge from the ‘well’.

Anonymous said...

Seeing the whole picture inspires me in class. I am excited about the density of what is happening in each move in iaido. I want to do the technique well, but also understand why it is happening the way it is and what dynamics of energy are in play. It has been a big challenge to become aware of my body posture habits and consistently train to do something else; but in the precision discover the feeling of power and energy that makes it joyfully more than going through the motions.

Anonymous said...

The Frog At The Bottom Of The Well
The frog at the bottom of the well is an important lesson in both the dojo and in peoples professional and personal life. Nobody knows it all and nobody is perfect. The statement that the more we can learn about a technique the more we need to perfect our skills is a 100% true. There is always room for improvement, both in the dojo and in life. Each mistake should be a learning experience and the person should try not to repeat it again. You just have to commit to improve. As I stated in a previous blog it isn't a sprint but a marathon

Unknown said...

The Frog I did find that I was being hard on myself when ever I was shown a way to improve or polish a technique that "I had Learned" I needed to step back and have an open mind. Every time I'm in class I'm learning and it will be on going.