Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Right Fit: Martial Arts Ann Arbor Has to Offer

         Whether you are a seasoned martial artist or someone who has never been involved in martial arts, Ann Arbor provides many choices that are of high quality and integrity. It can be difficult to choose which program to start with when there is such a variety. Some questions that you might ask when picking a program are:

“Will I be taught practical self-defense?”
“Can I use these techniques in the real world?”
“Are the instructors up to par with the principles they teach?”
“Do I have to be physically fit already? Will I become physically fit with this program?”
“Is the place safe and clean?”
“Of all the different martial arts Ann Arbor affords, why choose this one?”

            You’ve heard the horror stories of people being taught half-baked techniques from McDojos. You don’t want a martial arts academy that drains your wallet and keeps you there with premature belt promotions. If practicing a martial art is anything like dating, finding the right place can be productive and happy for all parties involved. If it’s a bad fit, you find yourself miserable and poorer than where you started. You just want to find the right fit.

            If your first concern were self-defense, would it help you to know that at the Japanese Martial Arts Center a female in the Judo program successfully fended off an attacker with techniques that she learned at the dojo? You also get a chance to train with several instructors that have specially tailored seminars geared towards self-defense. At the end of the day, you want to leave with the proper skills to protect yourself.

            The benefit of finding the right dojo is being able to learn applicable self-defense techniques. It means feeling confident that what you learn in the dojo is effective and well structured, taught by instructors that are martial arts savvy. It allows you to grow as an individual in physical fitness, mental discipline, and self-efficacy. The right dojo for you will make you feel safe from disease and poor training, and respected.

            Of all the martial arts Ann Arbor presents, the Japanese Martial Arts Center meets all of your standards. The traditional Japanese martial arts can have powerful applications with devastating results. World-class instructors that have not stopped learning, competing, and growing as martial artists will teach you. We are more interested in your growth as a martial artist than using promotions as an incentive of keeping you. You will be in programs that have safe, structured curriculum, which are appropriate for all age groups, including kids, young adults, and adults.
            Getting started is easy. You aren’t asked to fork out cash and sign a contract when you enter the door. Instead, you are welcome to watch a class or two in the program that you are interested in. If the training looks like something that would appeal to you, then you can arrange for two FREE private introductory lessons with one of the instructors. In those lessons, you will be taught basic etiquette and enough fundamentals where joining the other students will feel effortless.


Are the techniques effective?
Yes! We teach traditional Japanese martial arts, with rankings that are recognized by the Shudokan Martial Arts Association. We have students that go on to compete in national and state level tournaments, often coming away with medals in kata and randori divisions. We also have students that have gone on to defend themselves in life-threatening situations.

Would I be welcomed there?
Yes! It doesn’t matter where you are in your martial arts career, how physically active you are, or your personal identity. As long as you are respectful of other students’ safety, you will get the chance to work in an environment that both challenges and encourages you. We have classes for children, teens, and adults.

Is it a clean, safe facility?
Yes! The claim to fame that this martial arts Ann Arbor dojo has is the spring tatami mat, which ensures safe falls. (There are over 1400 springs in the floor, which makes it bouncy and increases your longevity as a martial artist!) The curriculum is structured with evolving, intelligent techniques and occasional conditioning to create the optimum environment for a burgeoning martial artist.

Are the instructors qualified to teach?
Yes, and then some! For example, the head instructor, Suino-sensei, has a two-generation martial arts lineage that extends to the legendary Mifune Kyuzo. He has published influential material extensively in the martial arts field, including The Arts of Japanese Swordsmanship. He holds positions in several international martial arts committees. You can view other profiles here.

Getting Started with the Japanese Martial Arts Center
            If the Japanese Martial Arts Center sounds like it might be a good fit for you, you’re more than welcome to come in to watch a class. Call us at (734) 645-6441 to arrange a time to visit, or check the schedule and come in when a class is happening. (Advanced courses are not open to the public, however.) If you feel more comfortable with email, you can message (or use the contact box at the top of this page) or message Kaily at
You can also visit us at 3853 Research Park Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108.

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