Monday, February 27, 2017

JMAC offers some special seminars, one of which is the Critical Self-Defense Seminar.  While not a specific martial arts style, it gives a basic overview of things that will help you defend yourself in a dangerous situation.

If you're interested in finding out when the next seminar is, sign up for our newsletter here.

If you're interested in learning about some of our standard classes, check out our website.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Japanese Martial Arts Center opened our doors in 2006.  Nick Suino just couldn't find a place in the area that fit what he wanted in a dojo.  After 38 years of training in martial arts, he knew he wanted an amazing place to train and teach.  More than 10 years later, JMAC has become the premier dojo in the Ann Arbor area with an amazing facility, highly trained instructors, and programs to fit all ages.

Come check us out!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Visualize Series

Live Into it to Really Get the Full Value

Use your imagination! It's the most powerful tool you've got. Visualize yourself doing exactly what your Sensei just showed you. See yourself doing it with smoothness and confidence. Visualize your hips forward in a confident posture, and your shoulders pulled down and back to unify your torso. Remember, it's your imagination, so you can be as powerful and confident as you like. You are graceful! Your ability is unmatched! Your power is unlimited! Visualize it again and again. Keep going over and over the movements in your mind until you see yourself moving as smoothly, gracefully, and powerfully as your Sensei.

Learn more here.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Want to improve your self defense?  Here's the most important first step to doing that.  We're so focused these days on our phones, work, and other distractions when we should be focused on our surroundings.  Increase your awareness.

If you want help increasing your awareness, let us know.  We'd love to help make you more aware and present in the moment.

Check us out at here.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Visualize Series

Your Ordinary Routine May be Why You Are Still Ordinary

Here's why: if you start your "imitation" behaviors at this point, you engage your habitual physical and mental learning scheme. This short circuits the direct perception of your subconscious mind and makes the whole process ordinary. If you truly want to learn faster and more accurately than ever before, if you want to become an extraordinary martial artist, you have to revolutionize your approach. If you do what's always been done, you'll get what people have always gotten.
So, create a far more productive habit. Do something different - don't imitate - just absorb!Once you've truly soaked up what your Sensei has shown you, THEN it's time to play back the movements. The easy part here is that you don't have to DO the moves yet. You just have to visualize them. You can do this in an easy chair, or sitting up in bed. The hard part is that you have to make sure you're capturing as much of the essence of the motions as possible, and not engaging in imitation.

Find out more here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Start the journey and one day you could do this.

Yahagi Sensei will hold a seminar at Japanese Martial Arts Center in April.  Sign up for your chance to train with a true Japanese swordsman!

Don't delay!  Space is filling up quickly.

Sign up here!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Visualize Series

Almost Nobody Does This!

This week's suggestion is really, really important. It's different from the way almost everybody practices. In fact, almost everybody I've trained with or taught in 46 years who's mediocre or just "pretty good" at martial arts does this wrong, and almost everybody who's very good or exceptional has figured out how to do this well. So here it is...

When you first see a new technique or move, DON'T try to copy the moves right away! DON'T do it.


Stop making those little movements with your hands that you use to try to remember or preserve the motions. Just pay attention and absorb. You've heard about "emptying your cup" to truly experience everything a lesson has to offer. This is an immediate, practical application of that concept, and it's this: put aside any and all evaluation or imitation thoughts or habits, and just let yourself absorb the example or demonstration for a moment before you try it out.

Find out more here.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Yahagi Kunikazu Sensei

Interested in learning traditional Japanese swordsmanship? Yahagi Kunikazu Sensei, a true Japanese swordsman will be holding a seminar in April hosted by Japanese Martial Arts Center.

No experience necessary!

An experience you won't want to miss!

Find out more information here.