Monday, November 15, 2021

The Benefits of Nihon Jujitsu

Do you want to gain more confidence?

While getting in shape at the same time?

Two martial artists practicing jujitsu in Ann Arbor

Philosophically, Nihon jujitsu shares with judo the principle that martial arts should be practiced as a catalyst for personal growth. We teach Nihon jujitsu at JMAC and believe you can develop yourself by practicing regularly. Here are some ways jujitsu can benefit you:

Jujitsu is a great method of self-defense because it doesn’t focus on strength, rather it attacks the already weak points of your attacker. Once you’ve memorized the kata or individual forms, you’ll be able to react more swiftly to attacks, which could save your life. 

Do you want to be more fit? Jujitsu is a great way to exercise. By training regularly, you’ll develop better speed, balance and power. 

As previously mentioned, jujitsu can help with personal development. Practicing kata can help you become more focused, and training consistently can help with discipline. Your confidence is also expected to improve! Not only will performing well and getting new belts help your confidence, but overcoming your weaknesses will literally make you mentally stronger.

Practice Nihon Jujitsu in Ann Arbor

While training at JMAC, you’ll learn the fundamentals like stepping, striking, and parrying combined with the techniques above. Once you have the basics down, you’ll do "live" training, where one or more opponents attack and you’ll respond, gradually increasing in complexity and speed. With the many benefits of jujitsu, your body, mind, and spirit will thank you!

To start studying Nihon jujitsu in Ann Arbor, contact JMAC today!

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