Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Martial Arts Can Keep Older People Fit

Do you want to improve your fitness?

Martial arts training can help older people stay in shape. Older people can sometimes settle into a sedentary lifestyle. A body in rest tends to stay in rest, while a body in motion tends to stay in motion! Martial arts training can help keep you moving and improve your balance, flexibility, and reflexes. You don’t have to choose a physically demanding style like jujutsu to get these health benefits! Slow, precise styles like iaido can keep you moving and help you gain more control of your body while being easier on the cardiovascular system.

woman kicking during martial arts in Ann Arbor

Learn more about how martial arts in Ann Arbor can benefit older people.

Martial Arts in Ann Arbor Has No Age Limit!

You’re never too old to try something new!

At JMAC, we’ll figure out your current fitness level and help you learn while gradually improving your fitness. You’ll be trained in a safe systematic way to prevent injuries and never have to do anything you don’t feel ready for.

If you’re interested in martial arts in Ann Arbor, we’d love to have you come watch a class. Call us at (734)645-6441 or fill out our contact form to schedule a visit! 

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