Friday, March 1, 2024

The Evolution of the Belt System


Want to learn more about the rich history of martial arts?

Want to further your understanding of the systems put in place within karate? 

Karate, a martial art from Okinawa, Japan, is not just about physical prowess but also focuses on embodying a philosophy of discipline, perseverance, and self-improvement. 

At the heart of Karate's journey lies the belt system, a representation of a practitioner's progression through the art. 

The Evolution of the Belt System

The belt system in Karate traces its roots to Japan. It was started by Professor Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo. It is deeply intertwined with the art's rich history. Initially, there were only two colors: white and black. A student would start with a white belt, symbolizing purity and innocence, and progress towards the coveted black belt, which shows proficiency in the art.

As Karate gained popularity and spread across the globe, various schools and organizations introduced a colored belt systems to show  different levels of proficiency. 

To learn more about the meaning behind each color in the belt system, view our latest article

Study Karate in Ann Arbor with JMAC!

Do you want to study karate in Ann Arbor

If you're interested in studying martial arts, we'd love to have you come watch a class. Call us at (734) 720-0330 to arrange a time to visit or to talk more about which martial art you might like to try!

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